Friday, September 29, 2006

Gymboree Class (Backpost)

I left work earlier on Tuesday so that I could pick Rebecca up from her Gymboree class. Our part time cleaner was not able to make it. I arrived there mid-class and had a short chat with the course coordinator who told me that Rebecca always participates and behaves well in class. Very heartening to hear.

I managed to capture some pictures of her during class. Her friends in class have funny names: Niu Niu, Bao Bao, Tiger (no kidding!)...

She started Gymboree in Shanghai when she was about 6.5 months old and is now moving on to the 10 month old class come October. Her good friend there is Daniel - Xiao Ming - another fellow Singaporean/Malaysian couple. I was told that Daniel and Rebecca are the "class stars"...always sitting in front of the teacher when teacher talks and airing their opinions with their yatterings.

Nanny told me that Niu Niu took Rebecca's ball during ball play today and Rebecca crawled after the ball. Niu Niu's grandma then raised her voice and scolded Rebecca. Nanny then told her in English: That is Rebecca's ball. Good thing that another mom from HK stepped in and explained to the grandma and then told Nanny that local parents are like that. This is the 2nd or 3rd time this has happened.

On a more positive note, this is the first time that Rebecca succesfully crawled through the tunnel during class!

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