Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Snip Snip

Every two to three weeks, I have the honor of trimming her fringe. Yes, you read right, fringe, not hair as HAIR will denote the back and sides as well, which we are NOT cutting (no granny, no papa bear!) those hair THERE as they would remove her cute curls!

Given that we'll be back in SG soon, I did the deed last Sunday and here's a before and after picture ...

Ok, 1.5 weeks for her to "grow out" her fringe and look JUST RIGHT for her debute in Singapore!




Anonymous said...

Hi Sweets, I hv changed kylie's blog add again. pls note. http://my-preciousmoment.blogspot.com/

Merry x'mas to u & ur family =>

iloveshoes said...

Hey Kylie..ok